the craft cafe

the craft cafe
Terms & Conditions
Childrens Parties
⚫ A minimum charge of 10 attendees is made, then per child thereafter, up to a maximum of 16 children
⚫ A deposit on 50% of total package amount will be made at least two weeks prior to the event to confirm the booking or the date will be released
⚫ The remaining balance, including any extras, must be settled on the day of the event
⚫ Deposits must be made in person and are non-refundable, unless cancelled four weeks or more,
prior to the event
⚫ The party booker and attendees will be allowed access to the venue 15 minutes prior to the session
commencing and will be permitted 15 in the venue after guests have departed
⚫ Two staff will be at the event to ensure its smooth running, as well as presenting catering and and
cakes. One adult guardian is also required to stay with the party for the duration
⚫ Any guests allergies/intolerances should be brought to the attention of The Craft Cafe staff at least 7
days prior to the event for catering purposes